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One Truth Love

~ Serving Creation With Love ~

Truth Seekers

Dear Co-Traveller,

The teachings of the Masters can be summed up in one word, LOVE. The spiritual path is not a path that takes you anywhere else but into your own totality. As you leave the illusion of your covers one by one, you will discover the Truth. The New Age needs the Old Path more than ever before. The soul likes synthesis, peace and oneness. We will witness a real New Age, when we give up the pursuit of the mind and return to our own souls. And we will then, through the totality of our own souls, know everlasting love, joy, beauty and happiness.

Universal Love and Blessings 🙏

Spiritual Content

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Spotify Podcast

Spiritual Events

Meditation Retreats

We have opened up Registration for our in-person and virtual meditation retreats. Our retreat is designed to help you deepen your meditation practice, connect with your inner self, and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.

If you are able to commit to participate 5-10 Days of consecutive meditation, then this course is for you.

Virtual Meditation Sessions

We also conduct virtual Meditation sessions that is designed to help seekers and spiritual practitioners worldwide to connect to their beloved within. The meditation that we conduct is known as Light and Sound meditation also known as Surat Shabd Yoga. This is purely an experiential session, guided by our advanced spiritual guides. All are welcome.

The sessions are conducted via Google Meets. Sign up using the link below if you are interested.


Ask a Spiritual Question

If you wish to contact us regarding any queries on spirituality then please do so here.

Make a Donation

Your unconditional contributions through selfless donations will help this mission greatly.

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